צום קל לכל בית ישראל. 😢

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I think we may be a bit harsh on the Jews who left Egypt. They and their forebears were slaves for 210 years or whatever and so had a slave mentality. Freedom was uknown to them.

Similarly travelling in a strange hostile environment -the desert - which is naturally without food and water and having to rely upon the Almighty with food appearing every day just for that day (apart from Shabbos ) is a massive ask. The stress levels on people with children having to handle and accept and rely on the Almighty and the unknown must have been considerable.

People are always afraid of the new - it challenges them. They prefer the known.

The situation of jailed prisoners freed after a long sentence who want to go back inside is well known. Life outside jail is full of challenges and difficulties.

Hashem therefore decided that only a new generation born into freedom (or very young when they left Egypt) could take the challenges of freedom. It is easy for us to judge them - we know the whole story - they didn't and lived it stage by stage.

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Why no mention of Joshua or Caleb? My focus has always been on these examples of the bold and fearless Jew.

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Could it be that the Jews that God suffered to wander for forty years be the same Jews that today do not stand with Israel? Maybe, the forty years was really forty generations... There seems to be a connection.

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